City Hall
(806) 667-3461
1524 Main St.
P.O. Box 326
Petersburg, Tx 79250
Q: How wide is my street and alley?
A: It depends on what part of town you live in. In most cases, however, the alleys are 20-25 feet wide while streets are generally 60 feet wide.
Q: Can I get a larger trash dumpster by my house?
A: Contact City Hall to put in a request for a larger dumpster. South Plains Waste has a standard formula for placement of trash dumpsters.
Q: Why won’t the City fix the potholes in my driveway?
A: The only time the City fixes potholes in your driveway is when they need to fill the pothole for lateral support of the road pavement.
Q: Do I have to get the weeds off my curb?
A: Yes. You are responsible for keeping grass from growing over your curb and removing weeds along the curb. Residents are also responsible for maintaining alley ways.
Q: Will the City sell me gravel or dirt?
A: No. The City does not sell and gravel, dirt, or other materials.
Q: Can I take things from the Collection Station?
A: No. Taking items from the collection station will subject you to a fine. You are allowed, however, to take the chipped mulch at any time.
Q: How do I get something put on the marquee at City Plaza?
A: You may come into City Hall and make arrangements for what you need posted. The fee is $3.00 per day for 1 to 6 days, $15.00 per week, or $50.00 per month.
Q: Will the City fix my water leak?
A: No. You are responsible for repairing any leaks between the water meter and your house/property. The only exception is if the water leak is the gasket closest to your house/property in which case the City will repair this gasket.
Q: Do we have chlorine in our water?
A: Yes. The City uses chlorine as the disinfecting agent for our drinking water.
Q: Can I have a roll-off dumpster brought to my house?
A: If you are tearing down a house or building or need a roll-off bin contact South Plains Waste Service, Inc. @ 806-285-2055. At the residents/requesters expense they will have a roll-off dumpster delivered to your property to save you from having to haul the material to the collection station.
Q: Who do I call to rent the Community Center?
A: You may come into City Hall and obtain a copy of the rental agreement. You will have to put up a $150.00-$180.00 refundable deposit and a $250.00-$350.00 rental fee. Rental Agreement is also available under Documents: Community Center.
Q: Can I take water from a fire hydrant?
A: No. Only City personnel or members of the Petersburg Volunteer Fire Dept. are allowed to take water from City hydrants.
Q: What does the City have to do with Petersburg Day?
A: The City has nothing to do with this event. Petersburg Day is an event sponsored and organized by the Chamber of Commerce.
Q: Can I pay my utility bill with a credit card?
A: Yes. There is a 3.5% fee for using a debit/credit card.
Q: Can I shoot off fireworks in the City limits?
A: No.
Q: Do we have a noise ordinance in Petersburg?
A: No.
Q: Do we have a barking dog ordinance?
A: At the present time the City does not have a barking dog ordinance.
Q: What happens if I don’t mow my yard after getting a notice?
A: The City will have the lot mowed and send you a bill. If you do not pay the bill within 30 days then the City will file a lien against the property.
Q: Will City Hall send or receive a fax for me?
A: Yes. The charge is $1.00 a page incoming or outgoing.
Q: Will City Hall notarize a document for me?
A: Yes. The charge is $5.00 for the first page and $1.00 for each additional page.
Q: How much do I pay for sewer each month?
A: The charge is a flat rate of $26.00 per month.
Q: How much do I pay for the Collection Station each month?
A: The charge is $10.00 per month for each active account.
Q: How much do I pay for mosquito spraying each month?
A: The charge is $2.00 per month for each active account.
Q: How much do I pay for trash service each month?
A: For a residential account inside the city limits the trash rate is $18.90 a month with an additional $1.55 for sanitation tax.
Q: How do I sign up for Aerocare?
A: You can sign up for Aerocare at City Hall. You will be billed $5.00 a month to add this service.
Q: Can the City tell me where my property lines are located?
A: No. The City has no way of knowing and always recommends that you contact a licensed surveyor to determine your property boundaries.
Q: Can I turn my water on and off when I am making repairs?
A: No. Please call City Hall with your request and City personnel will come shut off your water and will then turn it back on when you request.
Q: What is the water pressure in Petersburg?
A: In most locations the pressure is 50 p.s.i.
Q: Can I get an extension of time to pay my water bill?
A: Water bill payments are due on the 10th of each month. Each water bill that is not paid by 5:00 p.m. on the 10th will receive a 15% late fee. The bill including the late fee is then due by 10:00 a.m. on the 20th of the month. No extensions past 10:00 a.m. on the 20th are granted.
Q: Will the police department unlock my car if I can’t find my keys?
A: The police department no longer performs this service due to liability issues.
Q: What is the phone number for the library?
A: 806-667-3657
Q: Does the City take care of the cemetery?
A: No. The City of Petersburg has no responsibility for the Petersburg Cemetery. A separate board takes care of the cemetery.
Q: Who owns and takes care of the metal benches along Main St.?
A: The City received the benches as a gift and maintains them. The benches were originally built and donated by the Class of 1944-1954 from Petersburg High School.
Q: When are City Council meetings?
A: Regular City Council Meetings are held at 6:30 pm at the City Hall on the second Tuesday of each month. Times and days are subject to change. Please check the Community Calendar tab for the next meeting date and time.
Q: Will the City take my dog to the Humane Society if I want to get rid of it?
A: No. You are responsible for your pet and must take it to the Humane Society yourself. For dogs found running at large – if the City picks it up and takes it to the Humane Society, you will be issued a citation.