City Hall
(806) 667-3461
1524 Main St.
P.O. Box 326
Petersburg, Tx 79250
Municipal Court
The Court’s Mailing Address is:
Petersburg Municipal Court | PO Box 326 | Petersburg, Texas 79250
Phone Number: (806)667-3461
Do you have a citation? Follow this link for more information on next steps to take! website-infor-petersburg
The presiding judge of the Petersburg Municipal Court is the Honorable Kaye Phillips and the current deputy clerk of the court is Leah Chavez . The Petersburg Municipal Court is not a court of record.
Sessions of the Municipal Court are normally held every other Monday from 9:00 a.m. until 11 a.m. at City Hall which is located at 1524 Main Street, Petersburg, Texas. Dates for sessions of the court may be changed from time to time due to holiday and vacation schedules so it is always best to call and verify. the date of the next court session and time. You may call 806-667-3461 to verify the next session of the court.
The docket for each court session is normally posted by 10:00 a.m. on Friday, the morning before, each Monday session. The docket is posted on the outside glass case to the left of the front door at City Hall.
If you have received a ticket/citation from a Petersburg police Officer then the date for your court appearance will appear at the bottom right of the ticket citation.
The Petersburg Municipal Court has exclusive original jurisdiction within
Petersburg’s territorial limits and for any property owned by the city located in Petersburg’s extraterritorial jurisdiction in all criminal cases that:
(1) arise under:
(A) the ordinances of the City of petersburg and
(B) are punishable by a fine not to exceed:
(i) $2,000.00 in all cases arising under municipal ordinances or resolutions, rules, or orders of a joint board that governs fire safety, zoning,or public health and sanitation, including the dumping of refuse; or
(ii) $500.00 in all other cases arising under a municipal ordinance or a resolution, rule, or order of a joint board.
The Petersburg Municipal Court also has concurrent jurisdiction with the justice court in Precinct 2, Hale County, in all criminal cases arising under state law that arise within the Petersburg’s territorial limits or for any property crime for property owned by the City of Petersburg in Petersburg’s extraterritorial jurisdiction and where the criminal case is punishable by fine only or that arise under chapter 106 of the Alcoholic Beverage code and do not include confinement as an authorized sanction. Fine only means an offense that is punishable by fine and such sanctions, if any, as authorized by statute not consisting of confinement in jail or imprisonment.
The Petersburg Municipal Court also has jurisdiction in the forfeiture and final judgment of all bail bonds and personal bonds taken in criminal cases of which the court has jurisdiction.
Additional information concerning entry of pleas, payment information, trials etc. can be found under the Municipal court tab of this website.